Festive & Affordable Raya Decorations for Your Home
This Raya is going to be a little different than before due to the ongoing pandemic but you can still make it a special one for you and your family. Some families who stay together still get to celebrate among themselves but those who are far away, you still can lift up the mood by doing video calling with Raya themed background. From floral placemats, beautiful vase to Raya deco, these are just a few items from MR.DIY's Raya Decoration that can make your Raya still meaningful while on a budget:

Wall Stickers 

This ‘Selamat Hari Raya’ wall decoration will make the mood more vibrant. It is small and appealing and this will be sure to uplift anyone’s mood.
A home with many young kids will surely love this wall decoration as it will light up the room with smiles and laughter! Especially with the cute smiling wall stickers.
Hanging Decoration 

Hanging decorations are one of the easiest decorations in any home or environment. It is easy to place and also to take out when the festivities are over. Those who are busy will surely appreciate these.
Glass Set & Table Mats 
Sometimes you just want to sit together with your family and have a hot drink together with our glass set. Cherish the moments with each other and reminisce your past or plan the future together while enjoying some cookies. Don't forget..meriah meja makan with table mats! Imagine a table filled with delicious food such as rending, asam pedas, lemang, lontong and more. No doubt you will need a placemat to not only keep your dining table clean, but to also add some festive feel to your meals.

A wooden vase like this is an easy way to decorate your home this Raya. It gives a nostalgic and comforting ambience in your home. You can put some flowers or as a place for you to keep the pelita buluh lamp.

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