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MR.DIY CSR: Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre
In line with our efforts and dedication toward being a responsible corporate citizen, MR.DIY has successfully organized a CSR event at the National Elephant Conservation Centre (NECC), Kuala Gandah, Pahang.
MR.DIY took another step in its environmental initiative supporting elephant conservation aimed not only to create awareness about elephants but to understand the issues challenging their survival.
This program is a collaboration between MR.DIY and Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (PERHILITAN). The program was joined by 30 volunteers from various departments and several members of the senior management team.
All volunteers enjoyed being just a step closer to these largest living land mammals. This initiative reflects MR.DIY commitment towards conserving wild animals, besides continuing our CSR initiatives to less unfortunate communities.